Establishing Rotary in Saskatoon...
After an initial promotional visit, on July the 30th of 1917, by District Governor
Jeff Lydiatt of
This meeting was held on Tuesday, August the 14th at 8.30 p.m. in the Council
Chambers of City Hall and the decision was made to form the Rotary Club of
The club's Officers elected were: - President, Arthur Moxon
Vice-President, John D. Millar
Secretary, Wm. G. Mulock
Treasurer, R.R. Randall
Sergeant-at-Arms, Fred M. Borland
Also elected as Directors were: - Wm. C. Borlasse, W.F. Herman, H.L. Martin, R.H. Potter and T.A. Potter
Although a practicing lawyer, Arthur Moxon's classification was listed as 'Trust Company'; reflecting his involvement on the Board of the National Trust Co. Ltd. He apparently took this classification as fellow Charter Member, Fred M. Borland, had been assigned that of 'Attorney at Law'.
It is interesting to note that the position of Sergeant-at-Arms was, at the time, apparently an elected position and an Officer of the club.